Holy Heaven Ministry Pakistan

Holy Heaven Ministry Pakistan
Happy International Women's Day

Friday 6 March 2015

Food distribution 2012

Holy Heaven Ministry (HHM) Pakistan is registered with the government of Pakistan.  It has been reaching out to to the poor since 2003.  It began with the planting of a church in Lahore by Pastor Asher John, the director of HHM Pakistan. Many have been saved under his ministry.  In 2012, the HHM team, including Asher John's two children, began a “Sunday School” (which actually meets every day of the week) for poor Christian children in the area.  The school not only provides Christian teaching, with instructional materials, but also two free meals a day.  HHN also provides shoes and clothing, without cost, to any children who need them.  Parties are held for the children two or three times a month.  The HHM team has been doing this mostly mostly out of their own personal funds.  But, as a result, they have been able to lead many children to Christ both inside and outside the Sunday School.

          The primary goal of HHM is to witness to the children who work in the local kiln at an age when they should be in school, and to provide them with a free education.  The HHM Sunday School began in March 2012.  After the first ten children had worked hard to complete their first session, the HHM team held a celebration on July 27, 2012. This was a Food Distribution Party in which they provided extra groceries for the Sunday School children to take home.  Outsider children were also invited in order to supply some of their needs as well, and to invite them to enroll in the Sunday School.

Here is a picture of the party.

At the program, Pastor John encouraged all the children to seek an education and to pray for a brighter future.  He explained the differences between an educated and an uneducated person by using their own families as examples.  He also told them about the advantages of attending the Holy Heaven Ministry Sunday School, which includes a basic education along with spiritual instruction, plus assistance with food and clothing.  As a result, several more children joined the Sunday School, increasing the enrollment to 41.
                                   From 2012 to the present, those children have been growing in their education and in their knowledge of God.  This effort has included supplying all instructional materials and notebooks, two meals each day, and shoes and clothing for the children when needed.  All of this has been covered almost entirely out of the small incomes of Asher John and his two adult children, Anaam and Anushka.    

                                    Presently, in March 2015, we have received more than 160 requests from other children who would like to stop working and join our Sunday School.The first thing we would need are larger facilities, perhaps by purchasing our own building.Then we would need sufficient income to provide teaching materials and food for up to 160 or more additional children, which we cannot now manage out of our own pockets.  We need to meet their material needs in order to help them grow in the knowledge of Jesus.

Please browse our Website and see the work we are doing.  If you desire to contribute to our ministry, or, better yet, partner with us in doing the Lord's work among the little angels of Pakistan, please contact us.  (Click “Contact Us” above.)  We need your support.

Director & Chairman:- Pastor Asher John

Team HHM Pakistan


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